
Corona app

The Corona warning app helps us determine whether we have come into contact with an infected person and whether this could result in a risk of infection. In this way, we can interrupt chains of infection more quickly. The app is an offer from the German government. Downloading and using the app is completely voluntary. It is available free of charge in the App Store and with Google Play available for download. 

1. download

Download the Corona Warning app from the App Store or Google Play. You do not need to enter any personal data.

2. risk identification

When you get close to other people, pseudonymous codes are exchanged via Bluetooth.

3. warning

As soon as an encounter in the last 14 days anonymously reports a positive test result, you will be warned.

4. recommendation

With the warning, the app gives you clear recommendations for further behavior.

What happens to the data?

The Corona warning app is supposed to accompany us every day. However, it will never get to know us. As a result, it cannot tell anyone who we are. Data protection is maintained 100 percent throughout the entire period of use.

No registration

No e-mail address and name need to be stored.

No conclusions about identities

When meeting another person, the smartphones only exchange random codes. These measure the duration and distance of the contact. However, they do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about people and locations.

Decentralized storage

The data is only stored on the smartphone and deleted after 14 days.

No insight for third parties

Both the people who report a proven infection and the people who are notified are not traceable - not for the federal government, not for the Robert Koch Institute, not for other users, and not for the operators of the app stores.

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